Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Nelson Atkins Museum

A stroll through some of the masterworks at the Nelson-Atkins Museum in Kansas City, MO.  Georgie's favorite is in here.  It was a good opportunity to practice taking pictures with my camera (that I promise to use in DC to amp up this blog).  We'll call it my new year resolution.  Until then, no making fun of my amateur photo skills.
Elisabeth Louise Vigee-Lebrun's Portrait of the Duchesse de Caderousse.  Both barely escaped from the French Revolution, heads in-tact. 

A bust by Augustin Pajou, the infamous du Barry's favorite sculptor.  She was not so lucky as the Duchesse.
Cupid and Psyche by Boucher.

A portrait by Hyacinthe Riguad, the famous painter of Louis XIV.

A nice picture of Marian devotion.

David with Goliath's head.

The famous Caravaggio.  St. John the Baptist in the Wilderness.
A favorite:  St. Cecilia.  Needless to say the pictures (or is it my camera) just can't do them justice.

Monet's famous Boulevard de Capucines.  You can see the pink balloons from here.
Another Monet.

I've always liked these cows.

A Chinese horse.

A scene of revolutionary war.  This one became a book jacket.  I like it a lot.

What museum collection is complete without Georgia O'Keefe's flowers.

My favorite of the Thomas Hart Bentons.  A minstrel show.

A nice Madonna and Child.

Period room from the French Neoclassical Period.
Another view.

Another period room with wood paneling.

Period room from the Colonial Period in America.
Another view.

A favorite.  John Singleton Copley's wedding portrait of the Barretts.
Raphaelle Peale's Venus Rising from the Sea.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Winter Wonderland

(Georgie enjoys the wintry scene)

It's final.  Finals are finally over.  Georgie is so glad about that because she hated all the studying and the tests.  We don't have any more room in our brains for anything else.  A good idea to stare vacantly out a window at a white parking lot.

Actually, I don't have a lot of time to mess around.  As Mom would say, "No rest for the weary."  I hustled it back from Contracts, hoofed it across the treacherous sidewalks in search of a salad sandwich, and now I'm smashing it.  Afternoon Agenda Item #1:  Figure out how to get three weeks worth of clothes into one suitcase, plus Georgie's necessities, of which she has informed me there are (supposedly) a lot.  

And so the holiday begins...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Trynna find a way...

to get some shut eye.  Or sanity.  I told her she's gonna get an F if she doesn't get some coffee in her system and hit the books.  She had some choice words for me.  The image can probably convey what those words meant.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

It's the Holiday Season

Georgie's favorite christmas tunes are Santa Will Find You and Merry Christmas, Baby.  She likes them jazzy.  Personally, I like Santa Claus is Back in Town, The Sweetest Gift and Oh Little Town of Bethlehem.  Naturally we won't be hearing any of these songs on our local radios.

Instead, we shall be content to hear Oh Holy Night sung in fifty different ways, and Happy Holidays on repeat, mixed in with a little Santa Baby for good measure.

It is when the familiar sounds of Christmas ring out on our morning alarms that we know one thing is for sure... Thanksgiving is upon us!

It was time to pack up the duffel, strap on the bookbag, and get groped by the TSA.  Two of the three actually occurred, but I'm just waiting until December rolls around and kittie gets her first taste of airport security.  I think we all know how that is going to go.  Let's just say we can hope the scatter is down that day.

You read correctly.  Georgie had a little thanksgiving vacay of her own here at the apartment, and believe me it looked like she had when I arrived this morning.  Needless to say Georgie does NOT pick up after herself.  I've created a monster.

As for me, it was off to Spencer for a little thanksgiving vacay of my own.  Gramps seems to be in good spirits and is working on his projects.  Mom is trying new things with her hair.  And Dad's just doing his thing.  Both the rents informed me of the first healthcare benefit I will receive in the new year, courtesy Obama and Pelosi - inclusion on my mom's healthcare plan!  Ka-ching.  And so I had extra thanks to give this year.

Now it really is just time to gear up for finals and then, the search for the true meaning of Christmas somewhere down deep in the black market friday reject bins at Target.

Everyone will be jealous to know I am scheduled to visit with the Obamas for a holiday tour of the white house digs this december.  Yes, be jealous.  First the organic vegetable garden, now the christmas tree and garland tour.  I hope Obama's lip has healed by then, I want a good photo op.

Georgie isn't going to come.  She hates dogs and she's also informed me she will be allergic to the sure-to-be organic garland.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Aftermath: Georgie's Take

So the country is still purple as far as we're concerned.  Is it only a matter of time before the new generation of corrupt-o-crats starts earmarking their own pork steak?  As I did with Obambi, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and "judge them on the merits."  Georgie shared with me her thoughts on the big midterm election this week.  Disclaimer:  The thoughts and views expressed in this blog are not necessarily those of the owner.

Nancy Pelosi - As a feminist, Georgie is sad to see the first woman speaker of the house go.  She is also sad that the first woman speaker of the house was Pelosi.

The Cali Girls - Georgie hates Carly Fiorina and was glad she lost to Barbara, whom she also hates.  I would have asked her to explain her feelings for Carly  (but I think it's a deflection that has a little something to do with an HP printer break down that mysteriously occurred after a certain kittie had her paw in a paper tray).  She had no comment on Barbara, but perhaps because they share the same color hair - silver tabby.  As for Meg, Georgie wasn't surprised.  Mess with illegals and there is never a good way out.  Georgie still loves ebay, though.

Barney Frank - Georgie hates speech impediments and she also dislikes obese people (because, like Michelle Obama, she seems them as irresponsible).  This one she didn't want to talk about.

Christine - Georgie doesn't believe in witchcraft, so she definitely disapproved of Christine O'Donnell.  She is an "abomination of God's laws" and needs to "turn to the church."

Fat taxes - Everyone knows that Georgie, being a devoted follower of the first lady, loves fat taxes and sin taxes.  She is alarmed at the increasing rate of child obesity in our country and stands firmly in solidarity with any steps we may take to grow our own organic vegetables and frequent local farmer's markets.  Plus then we can hire illegals to work in the gardens.

Obama - Georgie wants Obama impeached.

Sarah Palin - Georgie thought Sarah was the biggest winner of the election, but she still thinks someone who writes notes on her hand is unqualified to run for president.

Honorable Mention for Best Laughs
The Michele Bachmann and Chris Matthews Exchange - Georgie was appalled when Chris Matthews asked Michele Bachmann if she was hypnotized because she wouldn't answer his question that was so dumb she couldn't even remember what he asked.  Michele always looks a little hypnotized.  Or else maybe like she's had an injection into her smile lines.  Georgie liked Michele's response: "that thrill is maybe not so tingly on your leg anymore."

*As for me, I'm hoping for a repeal of the healthcare bill so we can fix the system the right way.  And harsher punishments for violators of the environment.  I have very little faith, but there is a little there.  Here's hoping for a bigger legal market, no matter what.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Day In The Life

Since you-know-who has a thing for counters and sinks, particularly in the kitchen, the human residents were taken to spritzing Ms. G with a cheap water bottle/ sprayer gadget happened upon in the $1.99 bin at Bed Bath & Beyond.  Things seemed to be going...well, as well as they possibly could when dealing with a cat.  Especially this one.  The proper reaction was had to the shock spritz of water to the face/body, and she has been deterred from staying on the counters too long once she's been discovered.  The problem, of course, is deterring her from wanting to get on the counter in the first place.  Still haven't gotten to that step.

All said, what should I hear this afternoon but a clanging in the kitchen as if something had fallen from the countertop.  And then the scurry of kittie-cat feet and flash of furball as it dashes to hide beneath the grocery cart.  The casualty?  The spray bottle.  Not only had punk succeeded in throwing it to the floor, she had managed to break off the nozzle, rendering my fully functional spray bottle defunct.

Guess who is making a little trip to Bed Bath & Beyond this weekend?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Global Warming & The Grind

(Michelle Obama's White House Kitchen Garden)

While every day is a new day, when you have my memory (which is not a good memory), each day feels like the last.  And sometimes you think it's the next.  Thus, why I am happy for the arrival of fall - and change that I can believe in.

Now, I know with global warming getting increasingly bothersome, the dog days of summer - or as Georgie likes to call them, the cat days - seem to have extended well beyond their expiration date.  You can practically hear the words on everybody's lips.

Georgie loves tropical weather and she also loves water, so more of either of those things, and you have a cat that is shamefully doing all she can to make global warming worse.  When she isn't sunbathing on the windowsill or tearing holes in the shower curtain she is plugging in all my outlets and blasting the AC window unit at 60 degrees.  She also wants a cadillac with tinted windows.

Last time I took her to the vet, she was upset that people could see her through her carrier.  I got a phone call 1 hour after dropping her off.  Something to the extent of "We can't bathe Georgie.  She's 'grumpy.'"

First, Georgie is grumpy 90% of the time and I don't see how it makes her any more difficult to handle.  Second, the Kansas City groomer seemed to bathe her just fine, and quite frequently.  And they were cheaper than Dupont.

So she thinks she can play this game of "new place, new Georgie" with me, but it isn't fooling anybody.  Guess who has a grooming appointment over Christmas in KC?

So...Fall.  That means movies, "spirited" hot chocolate, a good book, falling leaves...

Yeah none of that will be happening.  Except maybe the falling leaves part.  All of the two I may see out of my window that drift into the parking lot.

I may be an owl for halloween, if I am even something.  I found a mask for that.  Georgie is going to be a Lynx.  Another thought I had was an alcoholic...

Hmmmm....not much else going on here on a Sunday morning.  I am going to read some cases about stalking protective orders in Oregon (and maybe need to break out the color coded highlighting for that one), and perhaps give the new resident family doctor (Doctor of Education, that is) a call.  My brain is feeling ill, plus she's the only one thats up this early anyway.

Did I mention there is a new doctor in the family?  And I like her new initials now.  E.D.O'D.  E.D.D.  (Ok, I toyed with the last name to make it work.)   Congrats Liz!  Dr. Liz as she'll be referred to from now on...

And now to wait for the most immediate change I can believe in - niece "Rachel/Rebecca" that should be making her appearance any day now.

Yup, I narrowed it down.  And I know that I guessed it, so don't even bother trying.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Georgie Does Her Laundry

Ok, so in reality I am doing it for her.  Georgie doesn't do that sort of thing.  She's tanning right now.

D.C. finally cooled down and I can chill out, too.  Georgie loves the heat, but she's a sun worshipper.  I've told her to take in less because of the side effects.

It's been a long couple of weeks.  A whirlwind trip home last weekend, and a little road trip therein to Spencer, IA, for Grandma's funeral, was actually a "nice" break.  Granted, I had to play a little catch up, but I'll gladly play that game for a little reunion time and a glimpse of midwest in September.

Grandma's visitation and funeral were just how I think she would have liked them.  Lauri made a video tribute and the grandkids got to see Grandma like we've not really seen her before.  And the weather was perfect.

I gorged all weekend.

The whole crew made it back, except for Mandy who is getting ready for niece "Rachel/Sarah/Samantha/Rebecca" very soon.  My money is on those names.  Georgie guessed that they would name her Tish.  We'll see...

The school week sucked, but I have a feeling that will be the story for the entire three years ahead, so just don't ask.

Georgie commanded I call a groomer.  Ever since she "quit" the job at the beauty shop (she says she "quit", but I've put "quit" in " " because I've heard other stories...) she's done nothing but lounge on the window or her tree.  She's also taken to jumping on the top of the kitchen cupboards, and subsequently pounding on the stove when she jumps down.  Oh, and opening up the wall piece behind the sink (again, don't ask), jumping into the shower after it's been used, splashing her paw through the running water in the bathroom sink during use, and she's even fallen into the toilet - a first.  She's falling apart.  I think its stir crazy.  Plus, she lost all her benefits from the parlor, so I thought I'd hook her up with a little spa time and see if it gets her motivated to get back on the hunt.  Since Georgetown put her on automatic academic probation, she's contemplated other avenues.

Needless to say, she got her appointment for Monday.  All that toilet bowl water and those mats will be gone and a new Georgie will emerge.

So...yeah...the laundry.  My whites are probably dry by now, $1.75 cents later.  But we also can't forget the cost of my time walking down to the facilities when I really could be studying.  Or how much all that bleach cost me at the price-gouge Rite Aid, or how annoyed I'll be when Georgie furballs the bathroom rug the second I put it back on the floor.

All in a Saturday.

: ) Nick

Monday, August 30, 2010

Until we meet again...

Today my Grandma went to heaven!

Everyone look skyward and give her a wave.  I know she is happy to have moved on, and I am happy for her.

On a lesser note, I also started school today, and it was not as horrible as I expected.  I even got a high-five from my contracts professor for answering the question correctly that Coretta Scott King sued for conversion.

I know its the beginning of a long journey and I'm not sure how much I'm going to always love it, but it is what it is.

Georgie found her way to the top of the kitchen cupboards for a better view and is curled up there right now.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Jenny, Jenny, Who Can I Turn To...

So Jennifer has left us, and we are sad.  Luckily, it was a mostly allergen free trip for Jenny as the Alen A350 cleaned the apartment air full speed, full time.  Even Georgie was shocked, because she thinks she is allergic to herself.

Plus, Jen accidentally left a dress behind, and we think that is an omen.  She will be back with a job in hand.

It has been a busy week with Chris' arrival on Tuesday and Jennifer's on Wednesday.  We were able to walk the mall and see the new organic vegetable garden on the south White House lawn.  No sign of Michelle tilling the soil.  Georgie has yet to see the garden, but she doesn't travel out of doors unless it is between 65 and 72 degrees, slightly cloudy, with a light breeze.  Naturally it's been too hot for her to join us.

No sign of the rest of the Obamas, either.  Still on summer vacation avoiding the fecal bacteria infested waters off Martha's Vineyard.  I can't blame them.  Georgie commented that the locals are so full of BS it finally seeped into the water.  Not sure which locals she referred to.

We did our best to avoid the heat, but there is no better way to see the city than to walk it, so we were mostly unsuccessful.  My future classmate Lindsey joined us on Thursday for the National Zoo.  At first, things were fine.  A little hot, but O.K.  We saw the pandas, big cats, and the aviary.  Now fully drenched, we checked out Lindsey's apartment in Adams Morgan and met her cat Meeko.  She showed me the Adams Morgan Vet Hospital (which is EXPENSIVE) that Georgie has demanded I take her to, because the neighborhood is more eclectic than where we live.  It is also a closer walk than the Dupont clinic, so I guess I can oblige her.  I'm just trying to avoid 15th and S where Kal Pen got robbed.

So, yes, ok, we hadn't really "eaten" anything and it was time to get something to eat.  We rode the connector to Georgetown, which is a lovely area, but lacking in shade and congested with shoppers taking in the summer sun.  Needless to say, whilst waiting in line at Georgetown Cupcakes for their - you guessed it - famous cupcakes, Lindsey fainted backward onto the front door, and then onto the not-so-soft surely historical brick sidewalk.

It was chaos as the woman behind us shouted for someone to call 911 (it ended up being me) and the store staff clamored to get involved.  They revived Lindsey after a second fainting spell, during which the lady behind us shouted "She needs sugar!  She needs sugar!" and the counter guy, now trying to revive Lindsey, responded "We're in a cupcake store."

The famous lady from TLC proclaimed this happened "at least once a week."  We wondered, then, why water was suddenly available to all those waiting in line, as it had not before.

No more matter; all was well.  After a peanut butter swirl cupcake and some juice, as well as a check-over from the ambulance crew (they came because the store had called, as well), Lindsey was set free, so we took her to Chipotle.  Not, though, before collecting our free 16 cupcakes and complementary waters.  The ambulance crew also got free cupcakes.  Lesson learned:  If you want free Georgetown Cupcakes, just faint!

I'll note the true purpose for visiting the Gtown neighborhood was to scout out the office location of Jennifer's interview.  The cupcakes were merely a by-product.  Jenny's interview, as relayed to Chris and Georgie and Me, went swell.  Jen felt iffy.  But Georgie reminded her the east coasters are all business and no small talk and that she'd just have to get over the harsh personalities.  I thought this comment ironic.

As for other activities we've fit into the past week, the newly revamped (or at least, it seems to be newly revamped) Smithsonian Museum of Natural History made it on the list.  The oceans exhibit is quite spectacular, with spherical moving movie screens and a giant whale displayed above the gallery.

There was, of course, the requisite bar celebration on Friday night.

Now we're on for a couple more days until school starts up.  Georgie called in sick at the beauty shop.  She is sick of sweeping up the hair, and I asked her if she knew that is what I do every day cleaning up after her.  No response.  I'm not sure how much longer this job is going to last her.

My blow-up mattress has a hole in it, so I'll be on a piece of foam until the bed is delivered Tuesday.  Lucky for Georgie she likes the windowsill.  Or the cardboard box.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Georgie's Big Move

Yes, the beginning of the promised blog!  My sister-in-law, the blog master, has created something quite spectacular with her South African blog (and I’ll admit, the locale and main topic are quite a bit more exciting than those of this blog), but she has inspired me to create my own.  And what with the source material being such a wellspring of inspiration, I’ll have much to work from.  Pictures and graphics to come.  You can expect this blog to be filled with all things Georgie, since she seems to be the star of the show anyway.  Heck, she may even pop in from time to time and paw out an entry.  She’ll gab about anything: from politics and religion to beer and cigarettes. [She is ardently against smoking, and a champion of the First Lady's ("Michelle"as she is referred to in this household) anti-child obesity campaign.  More on that later…]

Apologies in advance for her political tirades.  She is opinionated and doesn’t care what you think.

So I thought this could be a fun and efficient way of keeping in touch as we descend into the law school abyss of studying, studying, studying.  Yes, you heard it.  WE.  Georgie decided to join me in my study of the law.  She has been accepted part-time to the Georgetown University Law Center for Cats and is working the other half as a beauty shop assistant. 

The trek to DC was arduous (for the drivers, that is).  I sat in the back and kept kittie company while Dad and Mom took care of the chauffeuring.  We had the Acadia packed to the brim (couldn’t take my special mattress cover…Georgie is NOT happy) and wouldn’t you know the apartment is still rather sparse.  But that is only because it is so much more spacious than what I could have envisioned.  Just a few homey touches, though, and it will be a perfect place to camp out the next year or so.

Journey began at home in Kansas, then Missouri, and then Illinois via-St. Louis, plus a quick stop in Richmond, Indiana, overnight.  Next morning we were on our way again through Ohio, the little tip of West Virginia, eastern Pennsylvania, then more West Virginia again, and then finally Maryland where we reached our temporary destination of Gaithersburg.  It wouldn’t have been a trip with Mom if we didn’t rush to the nearest Catholic Church in Gaithersburg for Mass, and then dinner at a local tex-mex eatery where I yet again counseled Mom and Dad on the benefits of a plant-based diet.

Dad must have been listening and held off on the beloved ice cream.  It was a night of rest before we were off again the next morning to see the Newseum (quite fancy), National Gallery of Art (awesome renovated 18th century French galleries) and the Smithsonian Museum of American History (where I tried to accuse Dad of ripping the most outrageous fart I have ever heard in a public place in my life.  Luck would have it an elderly woman was traipsing by at that very moment, and YES, I DO believe that Dad is innocent when he declares he would NEVER do such a thing in public).  Plus, the look of shock on his face gave it all away.  God isn’t shocked when thunder rolls.

Oh, and yes, it was odorless.  It must have followed her.  Or else evaporated into the exhibit on the history of electricity or some such subject (yes, Dad chose this one).

Come Monday it was time to move in to the lovely studio in Dupont Circle.  Just a short, non-stressful drive through beautiful northwest DC (those of you who know where I’m being facetious will have to help the others…).  I noticed stately homes, lush vegetation, the entrance to the national zoo, and embassy row – famous neighbors! - and then…my apartment building! 

Mom and Dad were incredibly helpful to the stressed out Nick as he moved what remains of his life into this new studio.  Déjà vu of Nashville, TN four years ago.  But a new city.  New school.  New chapter (as Dad has said). 

After some pizza on Connecticut Avenue, I bid the folks farewell.  And then I was feeling sad.

It couldn’t last for long as I had to continue getting the remainder of my things in some sort of order.  My best friend Chris would be joining me the following day (now on the day that I write this EXTRA long blog). 

Chris’ flight arrived early, and luckily I was at the airport to greet him.  He has come in search of work, and hearing that DC is one of the finest markets in the fledgling economy, he took me up on my offer to join me as roomie here in the big(ger) city.  Fingers crossed and rosaries prayed for his quick job offer.

We spent a busy day taking stock of what we needed in the apartment, and then trekking to Columbia Heights to Target (its not as convenient and fabulous when you have to carry what you buy past the screaming anti-White People protestors, onto the metro at peak hours, switch trains, and then four blocks back to your residence in the blazing heat of Global Warming).  Plus, the cabs don’t take credit here.  LAME.  But we managed to acquire some much needed essentials, such as a shower curtain, coffee maker, lamp, blow-up bed for Chris (and I, too, am waiting on a bed to be delivered, so it’s a blow up for me until arrival next week), and some other odds and ends.  We reprieved in the air-conditioning, and then set off on foot to Trader Joes for some groceries – another trek.  When you have beer and wine, it’s a little bit heavy to tote back 10 blocks.  But you do what you have to do.

Now, the answer to the question many have asked and many others are surely wondering:  How is Georgie?

Georgie, although she wishes she could tell you herself, would have me let you know if she took the time to think of others, that she is fine.  Yes, the adjustment is difficult.  An 18 hour + vehicle journey.  (I asked her if she would have preferred the plane?)  Three different places in four different nights.  Two hotel rooms.  A new apartment she will have to share with two other people.  Only three rooms to explore.  It’s been traumatizing to say the least.  But I have explained that in order for her to improve her future, she has to downsize and make sacrifices in the present.  Especially in this economy.  She complained that we couldn’t go to Marbella with Michelle now that we’ll be neighbors.  How does one get on that guest list? 

To sum it up, she is taking the change hard.  But I’ve promised her a glittering future.

For now, she is content to mope about and look longingly out the windows.  She has tried to hide her enthusiasm for the brand new cat tree her Granpda made for her for her 1st birthday, but I have seen her once or twice clawing at the carpeted posts and batting at the hanging mouse.

And while we’re on that topic, I’ll extend my thanks to Mom and Dad for sharing their 30th anniversary with me (or shall I say, giving it up to me) by hauling my rear out here and busting it to make sure Georgie and I got off on the right foot.  You read that right – they love Georgie.  You know they do.  Even Mom.  But she probably wouldn’t admit it.  What other grandparents make cat trees for their grandkittens?

So help me wish them a belated happy anniversary.  Thirty years is older than I am.  And we’re glad for that.

And so I’ll sign off for now.  Jennifer, another great friend of mine, is flying in tomorrow for an interview with an architecture firm in Georgetown.  I think we’ll have to go see the exorcist house when we stake out their offices.  Wish her luck and send your good thoughts her way – she deserves this!  And Georgie and I would love another friendly face in the city.  You can expect we’ll be hitting it hard and seeing the sights, so a loaded blog entry is in the near future. 

Until then!

Nick n G

P.S. Many thanks extended to all the well-wishers.  Co-workers, friends, family…I’ll be missing you.  Come visit!