Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Day In The Life

Since you-know-who has a thing for counters and sinks, particularly in the kitchen, the human residents were taken to spritzing Ms. G with a cheap water bottle/ sprayer gadget happened upon in the $1.99 bin at Bed Bath & Beyond.  Things seemed to be going...well, as well as they possibly could when dealing with a cat.  Especially this one.  The proper reaction was had to the shock spritz of water to the face/body, and she has been deterred from staying on the counters too long once she's been discovered.  The problem, of course, is deterring her from wanting to get on the counter in the first place.  Still haven't gotten to that step.

All said, what should I hear this afternoon but a clanging in the kitchen as if something had fallen from the countertop.  And then the scurry of kittie-cat feet and flash of furball as it dashes to hide beneath the grocery cart.  The casualty?  The spray bottle.  Not only had punk succeeded in throwing it to the floor, she had managed to break off the nozzle, rendering my fully functional spray bottle defunct.

Guess who is making a little trip to Bed Bath & Beyond this weekend?

1 comment:

  1. Molly taught her those tricks.... the spray bottle hadn't the slightest chance around Miss Molly! Be tough!
