Saturday, September 11, 2010

Georgie Does Her Laundry

Ok, so in reality I am doing it for her.  Georgie doesn't do that sort of thing.  She's tanning right now.

D.C. finally cooled down and I can chill out, too.  Georgie loves the heat, but she's a sun worshipper.  I've told her to take in less because of the side effects.

It's been a long couple of weeks.  A whirlwind trip home last weekend, and a little road trip therein to Spencer, IA, for Grandma's funeral, was actually a "nice" break.  Granted, I had to play a little catch up, but I'll gladly play that game for a little reunion time and a glimpse of midwest in September.

Grandma's visitation and funeral were just how I think she would have liked them.  Lauri made a video tribute and the grandkids got to see Grandma like we've not really seen her before.  And the weather was perfect.

I gorged all weekend.

The whole crew made it back, except for Mandy who is getting ready for niece "Rachel/Sarah/Samantha/Rebecca" very soon.  My money is on those names.  Georgie guessed that they would name her Tish.  We'll see...

The school week sucked, but I have a feeling that will be the story for the entire three years ahead, so just don't ask.

Georgie commanded I call a groomer.  Ever since she "quit" the job at the beauty shop (she says she "quit", but I've put "quit" in " " because I've heard other stories...) she's done nothing but lounge on the window or her tree.  She's also taken to jumping on the top of the kitchen cupboards, and subsequently pounding on the stove when she jumps down.  Oh, and opening up the wall piece behind the sink (again, don't ask), jumping into the shower after it's been used, splashing her paw through the running water in the bathroom sink during use, and she's even fallen into the toilet - a first.  She's falling apart.  I think its stir crazy.  Plus, she lost all her benefits from the parlor, so I thought I'd hook her up with a little spa time and see if it gets her motivated to get back on the hunt.  Since Georgetown put her on automatic academic probation, she's contemplated other avenues.

Needless to say, she got her appointment for Monday.  All that toilet bowl water and those mats will be gone and a new Georgie will emerge.

So...yeah...the laundry.  My whites are probably dry by now, $1.75 cents later.  But we also can't forget the cost of my time walking down to the facilities when I really could be studying.  Or how much all that bleach cost me at the price-gouge Rite Aid, or how annoyed I'll be when Georgie furballs the bathroom rug the second I put it back on the floor.

All in a Saturday.

: ) Nick


  1. Love the names, Nick. We can't wait for the reveal!

    I hope Georgie stays out of that toilet from now on. I have to make it a habit to make sure ours is always closed so that Molly doesn't play with the water. So gross!

  2. Nick-Knack,
    This blog made me laugh! I'm so bummed I didn't make it home to see you. But alas, school and work do that to a girl.Hope I can see you soon. London via-DC, I'm thinking in November. (Of course, you're probably coming home for Thanksgiving?)
