Thursday, December 16, 2010

Winter Wonderland

(Georgie enjoys the wintry scene)

It's final.  Finals are finally over.  Georgie is so glad about that because she hated all the studying and the tests.  We don't have any more room in our brains for anything else.  A good idea to stare vacantly out a window at a white parking lot.

Actually, I don't have a lot of time to mess around.  As Mom would say, "No rest for the weary."  I hustled it back from Contracts, hoofed it across the treacherous sidewalks in search of a salad sandwich, and now I'm smashing it.  Afternoon Agenda Item #1:  Figure out how to get three weeks worth of clothes into one suitcase, plus Georgie's necessities, of which she has informed me there are (supposedly) a lot.  

And so the holiday begins...

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