Sunday, November 28, 2010

It's the Holiday Season

Georgie's favorite christmas tunes are Santa Will Find You and Merry Christmas, Baby.  She likes them jazzy.  Personally, I like Santa Claus is Back in Town, The Sweetest Gift and Oh Little Town of Bethlehem.  Naturally we won't be hearing any of these songs on our local radios.

Instead, we shall be content to hear Oh Holy Night sung in fifty different ways, and Happy Holidays on repeat, mixed in with a little Santa Baby for good measure.

It is when the familiar sounds of Christmas ring out on our morning alarms that we know one thing is for sure... Thanksgiving is upon us!

It was time to pack up the duffel, strap on the bookbag, and get groped by the TSA.  Two of the three actually occurred, but I'm just waiting until December rolls around and kittie gets her first taste of airport security.  I think we all know how that is going to go.  Let's just say we can hope the scatter is down that day.

You read correctly.  Georgie had a little thanksgiving vacay of her own here at the apartment, and believe me it looked like she had when I arrived this morning.  Needless to say Georgie does NOT pick up after herself.  I've created a monster.

As for me, it was off to Spencer for a little thanksgiving vacay of my own.  Gramps seems to be in good spirits and is working on his projects.  Mom is trying new things with her hair.  And Dad's just doing his thing.  Both the rents informed me of the first healthcare benefit I will receive in the new year, courtesy Obama and Pelosi - inclusion on my mom's healthcare plan!  Ka-ching.  And so I had extra thanks to give this year.

Now it really is just time to gear up for finals and then, the search for the true meaning of Christmas somewhere down deep in the black market friday reject bins at Target.

Everyone will be jealous to know I am scheduled to visit with the Obamas for a holiday tour of the white house digs this december.  Yes, be jealous.  First the organic vegetable garden, now the christmas tree and garland tour.  I hope Obama's lip has healed by then, I want a good photo op.

Georgie isn't going to come.  She hates dogs and she's also informed me she will be allergic to the sure-to-be organic garland.


  1. Little G needs to update on finals!

  2. I want a blog about White House tour. Although Georgie didn't go you can let her know what happened so she can paw out an entry.

  3. You know you're going to have to wait until finals are over. The pics on facebook should suffice for now.
