Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Aftermath: Georgie's Take

So the country is still purple as far as we're concerned.  Is it only a matter of time before the new generation of corrupt-o-crats starts earmarking their own pork steak?  As I did with Obambi, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and "judge them on the merits."  Georgie shared with me her thoughts on the big midterm election this week.  Disclaimer:  The thoughts and views expressed in this blog are not necessarily those of the owner.

Nancy Pelosi - As a feminist, Georgie is sad to see the first woman speaker of the house go.  She is also sad that the first woman speaker of the house was Pelosi.

The Cali Girls - Georgie hates Carly Fiorina and was glad she lost to Barbara, whom she also hates.  I would have asked her to explain her feelings for Carly  (but I think it's a deflection that has a little something to do with an HP printer break down that mysteriously occurred after a certain kittie had her paw in a paper tray).  She had no comment on Barbara, but perhaps because they share the same color hair - silver tabby.  As for Meg, Georgie wasn't surprised.  Mess with illegals and there is never a good way out.  Georgie still loves ebay, though.

Barney Frank - Georgie hates speech impediments and she also dislikes obese people (because, like Michelle Obama, she seems them as irresponsible).  This one she didn't want to talk about.

Christine - Georgie doesn't believe in witchcraft, so she definitely disapproved of Christine O'Donnell.  She is an "abomination of God's laws" and needs to "turn to the church."

Fat taxes - Everyone knows that Georgie, being a devoted follower of the first lady, loves fat taxes and sin taxes.  She is alarmed at the increasing rate of child obesity in our country and stands firmly in solidarity with any steps we may take to grow our own organic vegetables and frequent local farmer's markets.  Plus then we can hire illegals to work in the gardens.

Obama - Georgie wants Obama impeached.

Sarah Palin - Georgie thought Sarah was the biggest winner of the election, but she still thinks someone who writes notes on her hand is unqualified to run for president.

Honorable Mention for Best Laughs
The Michele Bachmann and Chris Matthews Exchange - Georgie was appalled when Chris Matthews asked Michele Bachmann if she was hypnotized because she wouldn't answer his question that was so dumb she couldn't even remember what he asked.  Michele always looks a little hypnotized.  Or else maybe like she's had an injection into her smile lines.  Georgie liked Michele's response: "that thrill is maybe not so tingly on your leg anymore."

*As for me, I'm hoping for a repeal of the healthcare bill so we can fix the system the right way.  And harsher punishments for violators of the environment.  I have very little faith, but there is a little there.  Here's hoping for a bigger legal market, no matter what.

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