Sunday, August 22, 2010

Jenny, Jenny, Who Can I Turn To...

So Jennifer has left us, and we are sad.  Luckily, it was a mostly allergen free trip for Jenny as the Alen A350 cleaned the apartment air full speed, full time.  Even Georgie was shocked, because she thinks she is allergic to herself.

Plus, Jen accidentally left a dress behind, and we think that is an omen.  She will be back with a job in hand.

It has been a busy week with Chris' arrival on Tuesday and Jennifer's on Wednesday.  We were able to walk the mall and see the new organic vegetable garden on the south White House lawn.  No sign of Michelle tilling the soil.  Georgie has yet to see the garden, but she doesn't travel out of doors unless it is between 65 and 72 degrees, slightly cloudy, with a light breeze.  Naturally it's been too hot for her to join us.

No sign of the rest of the Obamas, either.  Still on summer vacation avoiding the fecal bacteria infested waters off Martha's Vineyard.  I can't blame them.  Georgie commented that the locals are so full of BS it finally seeped into the water.  Not sure which locals she referred to.

We did our best to avoid the heat, but there is no better way to see the city than to walk it, so we were mostly unsuccessful.  My future classmate Lindsey joined us on Thursday for the National Zoo.  At first, things were fine.  A little hot, but O.K.  We saw the pandas, big cats, and the aviary.  Now fully drenched, we checked out Lindsey's apartment in Adams Morgan and met her cat Meeko.  She showed me the Adams Morgan Vet Hospital (which is EXPENSIVE) that Georgie has demanded I take her to, because the neighborhood is more eclectic than where we live.  It is also a closer walk than the Dupont clinic, so I guess I can oblige her.  I'm just trying to avoid 15th and S where Kal Pen got robbed.

So, yes, ok, we hadn't really "eaten" anything and it was time to get something to eat.  We rode the connector to Georgetown, which is a lovely area, but lacking in shade and congested with shoppers taking in the summer sun.  Needless to say, whilst waiting in line at Georgetown Cupcakes for their - you guessed it - famous cupcakes, Lindsey fainted backward onto the front door, and then onto the not-so-soft surely historical brick sidewalk.

It was chaos as the woman behind us shouted for someone to call 911 (it ended up being me) and the store staff clamored to get involved.  They revived Lindsey after a second fainting spell, during which the lady behind us shouted "She needs sugar!  She needs sugar!" and the counter guy, now trying to revive Lindsey, responded "We're in a cupcake store."

The famous lady from TLC proclaimed this happened "at least once a week."  We wondered, then, why water was suddenly available to all those waiting in line, as it had not before.

No more matter; all was well.  After a peanut butter swirl cupcake and some juice, as well as a check-over from the ambulance crew (they came because the store had called, as well), Lindsey was set free, so we took her to Chipotle.  Not, though, before collecting our free 16 cupcakes and complementary waters.  The ambulance crew also got free cupcakes.  Lesson learned:  If you want free Georgetown Cupcakes, just faint!

I'll note the true purpose for visiting the Gtown neighborhood was to scout out the office location of Jennifer's interview.  The cupcakes were merely a by-product.  Jenny's interview, as relayed to Chris and Georgie and Me, went swell.  Jen felt iffy.  But Georgie reminded her the east coasters are all business and no small talk and that she'd just have to get over the harsh personalities.  I thought this comment ironic.

As for other activities we've fit into the past week, the newly revamped (or at least, it seems to be newly revamped) Smithsonian Museum of Natural History made it on the list.  The oceans exhibit is quite spectacular, with spherical moving movie screens and a giant whale displayed above the gallery.

There was, of course, the requisite bar celebration on Friday night.

Now we're on for a couple more days until school starts up.  Georgie called in sick at the beauty shop.  She is sick of sweeping up the hair, and I asked her if she knew that is what I do every day cleaning up after her.  No response.  I'm not sure how much longer this job is going to last her.

My blow-up mattress has a hole in it, so I'll be on a piece of foam until the bed is delivered Tuesday.  Lucky for Georgie she likes the windowsill.  Or the cardboard box.


  1. So we need to decide who will be the fainter when we go visit this cupcake place with you.

    Of course, we better hope they don't recognize you.....
