Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spring Break

It was upon us.  And what might a little law-school dropout cat possibly do differently on her spring break than what she does on a normal day?  Here's a photo journal.

Sleep in a little bit later than normal...

Hang out at the pool.

Sun bathe - her favorite activity.

And just luxuriate in the simplicity of life.

Meanwhile, Ms. Miller decided to drop by and stay a while.  OK, for just a few days, but it was a blast.  While Georgie was doing her own Spring Break thing, we hit the city hard.  It was her first taste of Washington, and she had a lot to see.   Although she found the White House underwhelming, Baked and Wired's cupcakes did not dissapoint.  

She did love the capitol building, and I think we all enjoyed touring the Eastern Market, the Mall, Dupont and Georgetown neighborhoods.  She was even brave enough to venture to Brookland with Chris.  The night before our departure to NYC we stopped in at a wine bar off the U Street Corridor, so I would say she got the whirlwind tour of some of the best hoods.  Some truly hood and others just neighborly.

Yes, on Friday we bussed it to NYC via the ever-lovely New Jersey state of industry and smog.  But NYC was sparkling amidst the trash bags on the streets.  We even saw celebrities, including Jessica Alba with her husband and child in tow (it looked a little big for a stroller, honestly).  She looked pretty smug, but maybe that is just her way of looking happy.  

Unfortunately, the farewell was all too soon and Miller had to depart from Laguardia on Sunday morning and Chris and I had to almost miss our bus when the lockers at Candy Hostel (never again) refused to open.  Turns out we missed it anyway when the bus was overbooked and the rest of us 4:30ers were left in the POURING RAIN to wait for the 5.  We think we'll try a train next time.  

So happy to be in DC and about to smash fried food.  Although I can only speak for myself, I think Leslie feels the same way.


  1. LOVE the picture of G sleeping on your bed. SO ADORBS

  2. Is that smile Nicholas? So glad to see it's been reacquainted with your face! :).
    Love from London :)!
