Sunday, March 27, 2011

"S" is for Spring

S Street, that is.  Even though a cold front moved through DC this weekend, some of the cherry blossoms were already in bloom.  Or, at least, some sort of flowers on the trees.  Below is a look down S Street in Dupont.

And a look outside the good old President Madison, or "home," in DC.  The building in the far distance is the Hilton Hotel where Reagan was shot at.  Notice the blue sky!  It had been an otherwise cloudy week.

And Georgie has decided to welcome the new season with a new coat.  Literally.  And that means losing the old one... all over the apartment.  Hopefully a period to be short-lived.  It seemed appropriate that she sport a spring-inspired tag.  

Spring is here!


  1. We had a journalism conference in high school at that Hilton, so I have stayed there! Shared a room with Kelsey Hayes and Beth Rogers!

  2. well next time u come to visit u can stay across the street!
