Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Few of My Favorite Things

Ok, maybe just one of them.  That would be, my niece.  Or, getting text messages about my niece.  Particularly when they include pictures.

Georgie also loves to hear about her human cousin.  She would like to give Charly a hug like this little Giraffe is.

Everyone cross your fingers and pray that things go my way and I get the job I want for the summer so I can go home for a lot longer and take Georgie with me to visit Charly and the giraffe.  She needs her Uncle Nick and Molly needs to see her cousin Georgie.

I also would like to be there for Baby O'Donnell's premiere.


  1. Already mixing up the Margaritas, which we will be enjoying poolside.. (Now, who has a pool that we know?)
