Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bear Sighting

You thought they had been eradicated from the countryside over one hundred years ago.  But what you didn't know was, if you drive slowly enough, and quietly enough, through State Center, IA, past the roses and the laundromat/salon/tanning center, all the way to the cherubs, and you have a camera phone on your person, and you happen to be the type of person who knows everyone in town and can stop them and have a nonchalant chat with them, well, then... you just might see one lurking around a corner.  

A trip to SC has never been complete without a sighting of the ever elusive Bear (aka only living dog ever to have his color picture and name on a heart-shaped tombstone in the St. Joseph's Catholic Cemetery).  I usually have to take my guides with me.  But, because I was unable to attend Baby O'Donnell's baby shower, the cousins Liz and Liv brought the shower to me.  And a Bear sighting is sometimes just what you need!

Enjoy this rare photograph.

All photography (c) Dr. Elizabeth O'Donnell, E.d.D.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT!!!!
    now if you can get the real sighting of the whole fam! We'll work on that this summer :)
