Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Presents! For me? You shouldn't have...

Here is Georgie in a typical situation; lounging in a self-indulgent manner.  Are the presents too much?  Well, she didn't think so.  Notice Chris' environmentally conscious wrapping.  Georgie found all the global warming talk at Christmas to be repulsive.  She hates snow and she hates also to be cold, which is why she complained non-stop in KCI's airport terminal while they left the door to the bridge open.  A nice lady said "Awwww.  I would take a cat any day over a baby."  In the distance, a baby was shrieking.  Shows how little she knows this cat.

While for the next hour Georgie tossed and turned in her carrier to get comfortable, I treated the slash wounds she inflicted upon me in security in a desperate scramble to get back in her kennel.  She hates being exposed to any type of scanning device.

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