Saturday, January 15, 2011


Today began a good day.  It was the beginning of a 3 day weekend.  The sun was out for once.  It was cold, but not frigid.  I felt productive and cleaned some stuff.  I called the vet to get Georgie in for a nail trim.  Turns out they take walk-ins, who knew.  So I shoved her in her kennel, she escaped through an open side door, and I shoved her back in with a couple more treats and made nice sounds to her like maybe she would be a good girl, which we know never works.

Per usual, she huffed and tossled around in her kennel like it wasn't good enough for her on the walk to the vet, which is about 7 - 10 minutes worth of walking away.  Lucky for Georgie, who hates loud noises, sudden noises, anything that moves suddenly, and dogs, it was relatively quiet this morning off Connecticut avenue.  Could things have been any more in her favor?

It must have been the waiting room full of dogs.  If there is anything Georgie hates more than a world of snow and 40 below, its dogs.  The last time Georgie encountered a dog, she bit the crap out of my hand.  MY hand.

You see, kittie doesn't care who you are or whether you put food in front of her face or change the brita water in her kittie water bowl twice a day or scoop the **** from her litterbox every morning so that she has fresh litter to kick across the bathroom floor during the day.  When kittie is stressed, she takes it out on the nearest flesh-covered organism she can sink her teeth, or slash her claws, into.

Add another victim to her list.  The poor vet-tech who attempted to trim Georgie's nails this morning with bare hands and got a slashing.  There was blood.  Georgie isn't satisfied until there is blood.  By the end of the appointment, Georgie was no longer Georgie but Georgina, her evil alter-ego, and was covered in a towel while three of us held her down so she could endure the painful process of nail-trimming.

"They bite through towels," one of the vet tech's told me.  You don't say...

To top it all off, Georgie, (or is it Georgina?) has early onset gingivitis for which a 300+ dollar cleaning and special food are prescribed?  A quick email to Uncle Dave should clear some of this up.

Comfy and back in her kennel for the walk home, Georgie was getting used to her new claws and enjoying the usual compliments from passersby.

"Oh what a beautiful cat," a woman said.  She was standing with two other men and they had a conversation about Georgie, which Georgie was likey relishing.  I turned and said, "She looks nice, but she's not nice."


  1. Don't worry Georgie, not all of us are haters.

  2. It's not H8 but it is da troof. She's still awesome. Just dangerous, is all.

  3. Haha! Molly has taken on the habit of BITING her nails...because (I'm not saying who) her owners aren't very good at keeping her nails trimmed. Shame, shame...but she is a smart one. She keeps them short by using her sharp teeth to trim them...and perhaps this is also why her teeth are so clean. She keeps the grit off by biting her nails. Guess Georgie and Molly need to hang out again so Molly can teach her this useful trick.
