Sunday, January 23, 2011

Fewer and Farther Between

Before I dive into a pile of casebooks and law school is a final post before these posts start to get less frequent.  And this one should make you smile.

Charly Reads a Postcard
I decided to send Charlotte a postcard about Georgetown.  Someday, when she is bigger than the postcard (and she can eat solid foods), I will take her to Georgetown Cupcakes and she can get the peanut butter fudge cupcake or maybe the strawberry one.  I also like the one that explodes when you bite into it, but its a little bit messy.  It's best to go during the week, or when its not ideal weather, because who wants to wait in the otherwise long line?  Charly does not wait in lines.  Also, she would undoubtedly be filmed for their t.v. show if they happen to be filming that day, but we'll have to charge them for the use of her image.

Charly Wears Her Christmas Present from Uncle Nick
Charly needs a new outfit for every day because she likes to spit up on herself.  So I thought it would be a good idea to get her some nice clothes for Christmas.  Here she is wearing her flower cardigan and smiling for her mom.  

In other news, Georgie did not want to be featured this week as she was suffering from some health issues.  Needless to say, she is fine, and all is well.  If you want the dirty details, call Uncle Dave.  Georgie is thrilled he sent her some mouthwash for her gingivitis.

As for me,  every day brings me closer to graduation!  I'm not counting in days right now, but definitely "seasons."  That would leave 11 left.  I'm not counting this winter.  

1 comment:

  1. I may not comment on every post, but I lurk; you know my stalking skills. So I am sad to see that I won't be getting frequent updates. Good luck on spring semester!
