Thursday, January 13, 2011

Charly Loves Her Uncle Nick

So much that she urped on about 87% of her bib.

Oh, and here is one with Charly and me.

In this one, it's Charly - and that is me holding her.

I like to play a song for Charly once and a while on the guitar.  She was asleep on the floor, you wouldn't know from the picture.  But she was.


  1. Great photos of the two of you! By the way, I am not sure why I don't have any of these great photos on my camera! Could you please email me a couple so I can add them to Charlotte's album I will do? Thank you!

  2. Aw Nicholas! You're so Uncl-y and grown up! Charlotte looks like an angel and she's so lucky to have you! (Also amazed as it appears you managed not to drop her :P)
