Saturday, February 19, 2011

You Think You Know, But You Have No Idea.

True Life:  I'm A Ginger.

Ok, so the real story behind this post is that I've been awarded something because my blog is exceptional and is updated a lot with substantial posts.  The award is naturally called "The Versatile Blogger" award, and it was bestowed upon me by a well-regarded blog in the blogspot community known as Just 1 Family in a Big World.  Check them out.

Well, there are strings attached.  As a part of being bestowed this honor, I am required to share 10 things I hate about..., no, wait.  I am going to share 10 things about me that you never knew (or maybe a few things you did).

So for those of you who love MTV, or watched it in the past 10 years, you know what I'm ripping off of.  Just go with it.

1.  I am a sugar-holic.  Blame Mom, cookie-dough, little miniature chocolate chip cookies straight-out-of-the-oven, little debbie snacks at Grandma and Grandpa E's after those long 4 hour car rides, a myriad of bars and candy for any day we might be able to call a holiday, Grandma C's homemade chocolate sauce (Lauri corrected me on this and I concur), and those "hidden" stashes of m&m's Mom always seemed to think were secretly hers, but we always seemed to stumble upon.  Like being a redhead, it's easier to just accept it and move on.  There's no kicking the habit, unless you want to go into a 3 day depression.  Aunt Debbie did it, but I just don't think I can.  Do you know what rock bottom is?  

2.  I forgot that at one point in my life, I wanted to design roller coasters.  Unfortunately I can't add numbers in my head.  There were also phases when I wanted to design houses, and I designed Grandma C's dream house without stairs.

3.  When I first started law school, I thought I had made the biggest mistake of my life.  Maybe I haven't decided yet.  But what else would I be doing?  Exactly!

4.  Oooooh, my favorite movie is What Lies Beneath followed by The Interpreter.  But mostly anything ghost thrillers and you got me.  Or anything with a psycho, like The Crush or Black Swan.

5.  I have denied being a ginger in the past.  I was "blonde."  Strawberry-blonde, or maybe dishwater.  Brown in some lights.  But not "carrot-top" like that kid in high school called me in art class.  

6.  My cat is named after a really awesome television character that is somewhat evil and scheming, while on the inside is emotionally messed-up, which is how I love my fiction characters.  Maybe not my cats, but the name still works.  If you can guess it then good on you.

7.  I developed a French Revolutionary history obsession in college and it's endured.  Anybody want to go to France?

8.  Water is a phobia.  And I don't mean a glass of water, or maybe the pool.  But I mean water that has living things in it, including sharks and fish.  I will NOT step a foot in the ocean.  A nightmare to top all nightmares is being dropped into a bed of kelp in the northern pacific where the Great Whites hunt for seals.  But mostly being submerged in any kind of water with creatures.  (Don't act like this thought hasn't terrified you while you were taking a shower that suddenly turned ice-cold.  I jumped out.)

9.  Speaking of nightmares, I tend to have a lot of them.  Don't ask.  A string of three consecutive nightmares comes to mind from freshman year in college.  I would return to Lenexa to do laundry on the weekends sometimes, and in this particular month I went home three weekends in a row.  I would sleep on the rock-hard bed in the windowless basement "bedroom," which may have had something to do with the string of horrific dreams I conjured up on those three Friday nights.  I don't remember which was first, but there were dinosaurs (usually velociraptors, Jurassic Park style), in a chase (always a chase), aliens a la Signs w/ Mel Gibson, and finally a bizarre Jumanji-style world wherein a night of babysitting turned terrifyling wrong.  Let's not go into the details.

10.  My Grandma C loved redheads and always wanted one in the family.  I might not have been the red she was looking for, but hopefully ginger sufficed.

You know what, I don't have a lot of blogger friends, but if Ms. Bashaw would like to enlighten the world with 10 wonderful factoids we never knew...I would read that.  That would be hot.


  1. I had the same "Number 2" phase. Probably due to Roller Coaster Tycoon and Sims....

  2. Well done Nick! I don't think I knew about your water phobia..or at least to the extreme that you described it!
