Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Hmm... just what could she be looking at?



I had to ask about 20 times for her to turn around for the split second I could take this shot.

Even as I write this blog (it's been at least 10 minutes) she is in the exact same position as when I took this photo.  Kittie t.v.!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Earthquakes, Hurricanes, and Moving

I don't know about you, but I think God is trying to help save our country.  The past week, DC has been plagued with earthquakes and hurricanes.  Both majorly blown out of proportion, but bait-and-hook certainly seems to do the trick with government shut-down.  Threaten destruction of the capitol and they all flee (except Obama, who is never here anyway). 

And it would just so happen that neither of the "disasters" was particularly disastrous, but both did the trick.  I wasn't even here for the quake, disappointingly.  Returning from Salt Lake City, I was waiting on a plane back to DC at Detroit airport - sitting on the runway - when they turned off the engines, voiced-over the intercom (insert requisite groans from passengers) and informed us it was not a malfunction, but that an earthquake had hit the D.C. area!  Act of Divine Intervention #1.  I heard it was a sensation like a large truck (or person) walking by, but then gradually getting out of control.  

Needless to say the earthquake didn't stop us from landing at Reagan National about 20 minutes late.  But they did evacuate the White House (and, the post office - for TWO days), and I'm assuming a bunch of other government buildings.

Next up was the hurricane.  Irene.  This was a mere drizzle for those of you used to Midwestern thunderstorms and blizzards.  It didn't stop us from two trips to IKEA to furnish our new lodgings! 

Speaking of: we've moved apartments.  Moving is always hell.  Especially for little cats that get stressed when they have to do anything other than sleep on the top of the kitchen cabinets.  That all said, I think Georgie will enjoy this new place much better.  Plush carpet to sink her claws into.  A large window with a sill just her size for looking out on the green, street-side view.  And space galore for her to tear around in.

Let me take you on a tour of my suite.  


... with a green view!

Living "room."

The office.

Storage wall.

Georgie's new view.
And now for the kitchen:

Let me point out the highlights.  Stainless steel.  Dishwasher!  Deep sink.  Counter space.

Coffee bar.  Feeding the addiction.

One of her favorite places.  Tile floor!  Just like Grandma's and Grandpa's.

And a few nighttime pics of the hurricane:

Watching the storm go by...

There isn't much to watch.

Monday, August 8, 2011


What's a kittie to do when she wakes up from her all-day snooze on the top of the kitchen cabinets and, instead of a clear landing space to jump to, someone is cooking dinner down below?

Don't even.  I just woke up.
You've gotta be KIDN me.

What in the h....
I'ma just do me.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

It was a dark and stormy night.

Since our return to "the swamp" (Washington, D.C.), the city really has been working overtime to earn it's nickname.  Days of blazing sun and scorching temps remind Georgie of her summer vacation at Grandma's and Grandpa's in Kansas.  Then sudden showers make one think things will cool off, but they go as fast as they come, leaving behind the wafting stench of D.C. sewer, or maybe the feeling like you've stepped inside the steamy White House restrooms after Obama's 50th Birthday B.B.Q. bash.

But you know where all that hot air has been coming from, right?  No, not just Obama's mouth.  (More to come on the 50th Hip-Hop Birthday Bash in Georgie's August Birthdays Blog...)

It's coming from global warming.  Al Gore and Matt Damon both told us.  So we've been thinking of activities to occupy our time that require little-to-no electricity so as to minimize our carbon footprint.  And the first thing to come to both of our minds was, naturally, ghost stories!

Did you know that telling ghost stories used to be the tradition on Christmas Eve?  I've personally been reading them since elementary school.  Ghost stories have always been my favorite, be they in written or film form.  And Georgie has taken a liking to them, too.  Particularly on a dark and stormy night, such as tonight.

So we've been going on a summer reading ghost story binge.  Georgie was so excited (and spooked) about these awesome stories we've been reading that she wanted me to post them for you to read, as well.  Below are the links to some (online) and some that you can probably get at the library without having to wait on the stupid wait-list.

The Turn of the Screw, Henry Jameshttp://www.gutenberg.org/files/209/209-h/209-h.htm
(Our favorite and ultimate ghost story.  If you've seen "The Others" and was spooked, then you have to read this one, the father of the modern ghost story; we've all seen or read some version, but this is the original and most chilling.)

The Upper Berth, F Marion Crawfordhttp://www.horrormasters.com/Text/a0469.pdf
(A tale on the high seas.  Truly frightening. This one's short!)

The Demon Lover, Elizabeth Bownhttp://teachers.olatheschools.com/~lwuttkeoe/world%20lit/sept%2028-oct%202/DemonLover.pdf
(We just recently read this one and the ending was . . . well, we won't spoil it for you.  A must read.)

The Pomegranate Seed, Edith Whartonhttp://www.amazon.com/Ghost-Stories-Edith-Wharton/dp/0684842572
(Think about how truly creepy the ending is. Definitely a great.  And it's just one in a collection of a lot of great stories, including The Lady's Maid's Bell and Kerfol.)

The Tell-Tale Heart, Edgar Allen Poehttp://www.literature.org/authors/poe-edgar-allan/tell-tale-heart.html
(You've probably read this one, but I just recently cracked it open at Aunt Judy's and Uncle Dave's one night this summer.  Maybe it's not quite a ghost story, but Poe is just plain creepy stuff.  A good one for things that go bump in the night.)

And if you think you don't have time, remember, these are STORIES.  Not novels.  It doesn't take long to read six pages before you go to sleep.  Of course, it may keep you up longer than you expected. . . but that's the point!

Summer recap to come.  What have you been reading this summer?

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Grandma's House

What is a little Grandkitten to do at her Grandma's and Grandpa's house?  Find all the different places she can to play and sleep.  

The front entry way.

Quick photo op.  Maybe too quick.  So impatient, kittie...

Looking out from the living room.

What you looking at?

Enjoying the fireplace.

And the piano.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Tidings

The little chick on this card had big cheeks just like my niece, so I sent her the card for Easter.  It turns out she even liked the envelope.

And it even tastes good!

Happy Easter!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Welcome to the Neighborhood

A sunday stroll through my hood in DC.  Taking in the architecture of Dupont Circle.

A view of DC's oldest neighborhood, the Georgetown area, from the water.  The pyres of Georgetown University's main campus to the left.  I've actually never been there so when you come and visit let's go see it.  Maybe by then they'll have the new metro line done so we can take the train.

The Kennedy Center in the distance.

Guardians of DC on the Potomac next to the Lincoln Memorial.

Sleepy ducks in the tidal basin.

The Organization of American States' building.  I just kind of like it.

The Potomac from Watergate.

Another view of the Potomac.  Maybe this is closer to what it was like when the place was first founded.

Watergate, once home to Condi Rice.

More Watergate.  Also home to the eponymous scandal.